JONONE Awarded Legion of Honor

Fabien Castanier Gallery would like to formally congratulate JONONE on being a 2015 recipient of the Legion of Honor! At the beginning of the year a list of 691 winners of the prestigious award was announced and John Perello was a foreign national who received distinction in the category of culture and communications. 

To further explain what the Legion of Honor award is, here is a brief definition from the French Embassy of the United States:

"The Legion of Honor  (Ordre national de la Légion d’honneur),  France’s premier award, was founded by Napoleon Bonaparte to recognize eminent accomplishments of service to France.   The Order is made up of three ranks -- chevalier, officier, commandeur -- and two high offices (“dignités”) -- grand officier and grand croix. A Presidential award, the Legion of Honor may be given to foreign (non-French) citizens in recognition of actions benefitting the country of France or, more broadly, achievements which uphold its ideals..." 

Though raised in New York, JonOne has lived in Paris since the mid 1980's where he has established himself as an artist, building a career that has spanned over 20 years. JonOne’s paintings represent a new era of contemporary artists who have moved beyond their roots as graffiti writers to establish themselves as painters but more specifically as fine artists and now as winners of the Legion of Honor.

We extend our sincere congratulations on this benchmark achievement!  Read more about JonOne and his recent award here. 

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