Fabien Castanier Gallery would like to thank Bizarre Beyond Belief and We Heart for additional features on Mark Jenkins Still Life. In Still Life Jenkins presents an all-new body of work created here in Los Angeles. The collection features an evocative series of site- specific installations, including three-dimensional canvases, incorporated taxidermy, a human birdhouse and anthropomorphic stringed instruments. Akin to traditional notions of the “still life,” his sculptures capture moments that conjure their own realities, presenting tableaus that challenge one’s sense of what is real and what is not. Jenkins constructs his people, animals, children – entities commonly filled with life – into inanimate objects, frozen in bizarre postures and scenarios. By creating these unconventional situations, he re-contextualizes commonplace ideas or things and inserts them into a new landscape in which the viewer plays an integral part.
The show has been extended through October 17th.
To read the full features see the links below:
Bizarre Beyond Belief Magazine- Mark Jenkins- "Still Life"
We Heart- Mark Jenkins, Still Life at Fabien Castanier Gallery