Fabien Castanier Gallery is pleased to share a review of the Miaz Brothers exhibition which was recently featured in ARTPULSE Magazine. Los Angeles based artist and writer Megan Abrahams wrote a glowing review of the show for the magazine.
"The Miaz Brothers offer a new take on portraiture, with the deliberate intention of conveying no likeness at all. These un-portraits, which the artists refer to as their Antimatter Series, portray only a vague suggestion of the human face and figure. In a visually oxy- moronic tour de force, the paintings are, in effect, the antithesis of portraiture. Composed to conceal, more than reveal, they are subtle glimmers, which leave virtually all clues to identity veiled in a haze. " -Megan Abrahams
See the full review here: MIAZ BROTHERS
Thank you Megan Abrahams and ARTPULSE Magazine for the feature!