Miaz Brothers in Miami

Fabien Castanier Gallery is proud to present BOUNDLESS, solo exhibition for Italian artist duo the Miaz Brothers, open from November 3 to 24, 2018. This is the third solo exhibition for the Miaz Brothers at the gallery and their first in Miami, featuring a new series of paintings.

For BOUNDLESS, the Miaz Brothers present a series of ethereal portraits focusing on female figures. Rendered with layers of aerosol paint, the artists explore the space between one’s perception of the self and that which is intangible. Their paintings are not representations, but are rather studies in perception, as the viewer’s interaction with the work is the foundation of their concept. The artists encourage the observer “to interact with the image and to [filter] it through the process of identification – to achieve something not fixed and limited but boundless and personal”.

Solo a veces el retrato clásico indaga entre los límites de lo invisible. Evoca las potencialidades oníricas, misteriosas e, incluso, revolucionarias según la tradición pictórica, con la extrema certeza de lo verosímil. ¿Qué sucedería si lo que no deja de ser una intuición se transformara en algo igualmente palpable? Que lo que es intangible pudiera verse al mismo tiempo que lo real, como dos caras de una misma moneda. Y, además, que en ese territorio de nadie, donde sirven tanto la penumbra como los detalles de la rutina diaria, se representara la figura femenina, con el peso de los estereotipos, como fuerza natural procreadora, como constructora de un espacio íntimo y marginal o sacro o histórico, pero contado por otros. Miaz Brothers explora dentro de ese espacio, donde las fronteras de los corporal se derriten hacia el entorno o viceceversa y donde, desde la contemplación detenida del cuadro, se va reconstruyendo precisamente lo que no vemos o no decimos. (Olivia Vrai, 2018)

Only sometimes does the classical portrait delve into the limits of the invisible. It invokes dreamy potentialities, mysterious and even revolutionaries, according to pictorial tradition, along with the extreme certainty of realism. What would happen if that which never ceases to be an inkling became something equally palpable? If what’s intangible and what’s real could be seen at the same time, as if they were two sides of the same coin? Moreover, what if, in that dimly lit no man’s land where all the details of our daily routine dwell, the feminine figure was presented with the weight of stereotypes, as a creative force of nature, as the builder of a space both intimate and marginal, sacred and historical, but always narrated by others. The Miaz Brothers explore that space. The limits of the physical bleed into the surroundings and vice versa. From the thorough observation of their paintings, one can rebuild precisely what we do not see or do not say. (Olivia Vrai, 2018, translated from the original Spanish)


The Opening Reception will take place Saturday November 3rd at 7:00pm.

Click here for more information on the exhibition.

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